The Arc Jacksonville accepts donations of goods and services from businesses and individuals to enhance its programs and services.

Accepted Goods & Services

  • Adult clothing
  • Arts and crafts: paint, scissors, paper, stamps
  • Books
  • Movies
  • Holiday decorations

  • Bingo prizes

  • Puzzles and games

  • Office supplies and furniture: easels, dry erase name cards, dry erase easel board

  • Gardening tools: hand trowels, tillers, pruners, kneeling pads, gloves, etc. and plants like fruit trees, blueberry and blackberry bushes, perennials, shrubs

  • Commercial-Grade dishwasher

  • Recreational tools: folding wagons, ice chests, golf umbrellas

  • Personal care items

Many of these items can be purchased through Amazon and sent directly to us:


The Arc Jacksonville is also very appreciative of discounts or donations of services such as printing/mailing, graphic design, venue space, catering, etc.

For more information on making gifts please contact Lacey Rumberger, Marketing and Development Manager at 904.355.0155 or email [email protected].